
Sunday 11 March 2012

How to Make Money with a Website

You’ll learn a number of different ways to earn extra money on the Internet – and you’ll be able to pick which one suits you. We have a staff of volunteers that will be happy to answer your questions, and help you to achieve your goals.

There are several lists with “How to Make Money with a Website” on the Internet. See the below list for making money with your won website.

There have two methods of online income. One have Direct Methods and another have indirect methods.

Direct Methods:
  1. PPC Advertising Networks 
  2. CPM Advertising Networks
  3. Direct Banner Advertising
  4. Text Link Ads
  5. Affiliate Marketing
  6. Monetization Widgets
  7. Sponsored Reviews
  8. RSS Feed Ads
  9. Sponsors for Single Columns or Events
  10. Premium Content
  11. Private Forums
  12. Job Boards
  13. Marketplaces
  14. Paid Surveys and Polls
  15. Selling or Renting Internal Pages
  16. Highlighted Posts from Sponsors
  17. Donations
  18. In-text Adverting
  19. Pop-ups and Pop-unders
  20. Audio Ads
  21. Selling the Website

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Indirect Methods:
  1. Selling an Ebook
  2. Selling a Hardcover Book
  3. Selling Templates or WordPress Themes
  4. Offering Consulting and Related Services
  5. Creating an Email List or Newsletter
  6. Mentoring programs
  7. Creating a conference around the website

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